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Megan Kelleher

Megan is a senior at a public high school in the Richmond, Virginia area, studying in a program focused on leadership and government. She has been an active member of the cross country and track teams since freshman year and serves as both a center-spread editor and a design editor for her school paper this year. In her “spare time,” Megan loves to binge-watch Criminal Minds, post over-saturated videos on her YouTube channel, cheer on the Patriots (best comeback in NFL history!), scour Marshalls for the best deals, and squeeze in a 20-minute nap and multiple cups of coffee whenever (and wherever) possible.

Recent Posts

The Road to College Admissions: Big News

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The Road to College Admissions: The Futility of Class Rank

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its[...]

The Road to College Admissions: Why I Didn't Apply Early Decision

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The Road to College Admissions: Striking a Balance

Life is all about balance. Or at least that’s what they say. Striking the perfect balance is[...]

The Road to College Admissions: Hello, My Name is Megan

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