Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!
Transforming the admissions process into an empowering journey of self-discovery, putting your fate back into your own hands.
To Get Into the Ivy League, ‘Extraordinary’ Isn’t Always Enough These Days
Colleges are dropping the SAT in admissions. That’s a good thing for most girls.
SAT will move to 100% digital in 2024
Brown sees record applicant pool for class of 2026
The 3 biggest higher education controversies of 2021
An unnoticed result of the decline of men in college: It’s harder for women to get in
Op-Ed: Another record year for college applications? Please, no
Will Private Schools Survive the Culture Wars?
The test-optional college admissions tide is rising — and may be permanent
Students cheating has been rampant during the pandemic due to virtual learning
What to Do If You're Waitlisted at College
Does your first-choice college have you on the waitlist? You better come up with a Plan B.
Students' college choices mirror movement toward normalcy after pandemic
Standing Out as a College Applicant | Interview with Sara Harberson
Developing Your College Soundbite | Interview with Sara Harberson
College Admissions Today with Sara Harberson
Sara Harberson Interview for SOUNDBITE: The Admissions Secret That Gets You Into College and Beyond
How can you get into an Ivy League university?
Two Teachers: Finance & Getting into College
College Admissions with Sara Harberson
Interview with Sara Harberson
How has the pandemic affected the college admissions process
Soundbite with Sara Harberson
College admissions take on different look during the pandemic
Should students travel to take college admissions tests?
Kids are using this new strategy to get into top colleges during COVID
COVID-19 pandemic making college choice especially difficult
Could standardized college admission tests go away for good?
COVID-19 pandemic worsens financial distress for private liberal arts colleges
Colleges get a crash course in digital recruiting during the pandemic
How the pandemic forever changed higher education
University sees record-high number of applicants for Class of 2025
Applying to colleges during the pandemic
Impact of pandemic on college admissions
How the pandemic is changing the college application process
66 percent of students accept admission to Brown in record high year
School Daze
Brown announces test-optional policy for class of 2025 applicants
Colleges begin to announce fall plans, COVID-19 changes
Chinese students balk at U.S. college enrollment for the fall
More incoming freshmen expected to request a gap year, but getting approved might not be easy
The College Admissions Process: Now What?
Coronavirus schooling: As National College Decision Day nears, uncertainty for both graduates and universities
Students reluctant to commit to college as virus strains finances; fall enrollment drops
Decision time for high school seniors amid coronavirus pandemic
Coronavirus pandemic makes college choice more difficult for students
Dozens of US colleges waive standardized testing requirements for class of 2021
What About the Students?
5 College Research Tasks To Check Off the List Now
Why college acceptance rates may go higher after coronavirus
Coronavirus Creates College Uncertainty, Admissions Gets Easier
SAT and ACT College Tests Canceled Because of Virus Fears
SAT boost for low-income students could improve economic diversity
Get the Most out of Your Extracurriculars With 4 Key Tips
Cheaters, Scammers and Fraudsters, Oh My! An update on the players in the Varsity Blues Scandal
Beyond the Headlines: College Scandal with Gretchen Carlson
ACT to allow retakes of individual sections
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