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Sara Harberson

Sara Harberson is the founder of Application Nation™, which provides personalized advice to college applicants and their families. In her book, SOUNDBITE: The Admissions Secret that Gets You Into College and Beyond, Sara reveals the secrets of her signature college admissions tool, the "Soundbite," and shares tried-and-tested exercises that have helped thousands of students gain admission to their school of choice. She is the former associate dean of admissions at the University of Pennsylvania and the former dean of admissions and financial aid at Franklin & Marshall College. Sara’s philosophy is that every kid applying to college deserves the best advice.
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2021: The Year of Merit Scholarships

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The Many Contradictions in College Admissions

A few days ago, I was going back and forth with a parent in my Application Nation - Class of 2022[...]

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Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (2.25.21)

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