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Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (8.20.20)

For this month's installment of Ask America's College Counselor, I answered a lot of pressing questions from parents and students before the school year begins. During my Facebook Live Q&A, questions came in on everything from extracurricular activities, to filling out applications, to standardized tests, and more!

In case you missed it, keep reading for a list of some of the questions I answered and to watch the full video.

  • Are there schools that give merit for SAT but not ACT (and vice versa)?
  • If your child participated in a sport all four years, but was captain for only one, how do you make that clear?
  • Should kids with ADD indicate this on their applications?
  • What are the top three biggest mistakes made on college applications?
  • I read that 20% of Harvard’s entering class is deferring. Is that high deferral rate widespread and what is the impact on the class of 2021?
  • How can you establish a relationship with an admissions officer without looking like a brown noser?
  • The colleges on my rising seniors’ lists are all test optional, and, thus far, all of their test dates have been cancelled. How will a lack of scores impact scholarships/merit?
  • How do you ask a teacher for a good recommendation letter?
  • Is it ok to list 2-3 independent hobbies on the activities list?
  • Is it worth driving to another state to take the SAT?
  • Does it look bad not to have 10 activities on the Common App?
  • How do you list hours for a spring sport that was canceled in mid-March, but would have ended in late May?
  • What are some dos and don’ts for the COVID-19 section on the Common App?