Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!  JOIN ME LIVE

Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (3.15.23)

My Facebook Live Q&A in March garnered college admissions questions from parents and students across the country on topics like letters of recommendation, test-optional colleges, admissions decisions, and much more!

If you missed this session of Ask America's College Counselor, keep reading for a list of some of the questions I answered and to watch the full video.

  • Do you need more than two letters of recommendation?
  • What is your strategy for submitting SAT scores to test-optional schools?
  • How do you feel about paid summer programs that are highly competitive with only around 10% of students getting selected?
  • Should you send a resume to the teachers who will write your letters of recommendation?
  • How do this year's admissions results compare to last year's? 
  • What is your opinion on retaking the ACT after an initial score of 34?
  • Is "test-optional" truly an option? Do you still have an equal opportunity to be accepted without sending scores to test-optional schools?
  • Is entry to highly selective schools easier as a transfer student?
  • Are you able to appeal merit scholarships?
  • What advice would you give to high school juniors who don’t know what they want to study in college?
  • How many times do you recommend a student take the SAT?

(Note: If you're unable to view the video below,
click here to watch!)