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Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (4.28.21)

April's Facebook Live Q&A was full of excellent college admissions questions from students and parents alike on topics like standardized tests, course selection, essays, and much more!

If you missed this session of Ask America's College Counselor, keep reading for a list of some of the questions I answered and to watch the full video.

  • For recommendation letters, how do we avoid providing a brag sheet when the teacher asks for one? What should we offer instead?
  • Should a student go test optional if their ACT is in the bottom 25%?
  • Do you think the large application totals will stay the same next year for the 2022 graduates?
  • What are the chances of getting accepted off the waitlist at Georgetown this year?
  • What is a good target SAT score?
  • Any suggestions for the best way to get the most in a "Why Us?" essay that only gives you 150 words? 
  • The highest math class my school offers is Advanced Calculus. Apart from that they offer Stanford Online math courses. If I have to exhaust one math curriculum, which one should I finish?
  • Do high school courses from 8th grade that are on the transcript count?
  • Is it okay to take a foreign language for the first three years of high school but not senior year? Should I explain this decision on the application?
  • What is super scoring?
  • Do you recommend taking the ACT Writing test?