Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!  JOIN ME LIVE

Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (5.17.23)

May's session of Ask America's College Counselor brought out students and parents from across the country asking questions on topics like SAT/ACT scores, AP classes, class rank, and much more!

If you missed this month's Facebook Live Q&A, keep reading for a list of some of the questions I answered and to watch the full video.

  • What are your thoughts on the University of Minnesota compared to Indiana University?
  • My daughter is very interested in attending the same college her older sister graduated from this year. Should she mention her alum sister somewhere in the application?
  • Does applying Early Decision give you an advantage for admission?
  • Should a student submit their ACT score to their top choice if it is right at the 50th percentile or only if it’s over? 
  • Is there an advantage to taking AP classes?
  • What’s the difference between the SAT and ACT?
  • In the past, you have recommended only submitting AP scores of 5s, not 4s. Can you elaborate on this suggestion?
  • Do Ivy League universities ever admit students who don’t submit test scores?
  • How important is a student's class rank?
  • My son got a 35 on the ACT and a 1420 on the SAT. Which score should he report?
  • I really enjoyed your book Soundbite. Do you have any additional thoughts or changes since you published it?
  • Do you have a recommended SAT/ACT testing schedule?

(Note: If you're unable to view the video below,
click here to watch!)