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Facebook Live Recap: The College Essay

College essays are on everyone's mind right now, and for good reason. The main essay is one of the best ways to show admissions officers exactly who you are! In my most recent Facebook Live Q&A, I answered questions on what to write about, when to start writing, and more.

In case you missed it, keep reading for a list of some of the questions I answered and to watch the full video!

  • When should a student start writing their main college essay?
  • How much weight do colleges put on the essay compared to other pieces of the application?
  • How long should your college essay be?
  • Is it necessary to use the full word limit?
  • How does a student get that "wow" factor in their college essay?
  • Is there a formula to writing your college essay?
  • I haven't faced any adversity in my life thus far, what can I write about?
  • Can a student write about an extracurricular activity in their essay?
  • Are there certain topics you just shouldn't write about?
  • Why should I open up to admissions officers when I'm writing my essay?
  • Is it okay to write your essay about your culture or ethnic background?
  • Can transfer students use the same essay they wrote when they first applied to colleges?