Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  BECOME A MEMBER

Got a Bad Grade? Here's What to Do

Not everyone gets perfect grades. The reality is that almost everyone has a moment in their[...]

Is it Ethical for Colleges to Use Extended Waitlists?

An extended stay. Extended warranty. Extended sale. It all sounds good to me. But what about the[...]

Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (5.17.23)

May's session of Ask America's College Counselor brought out students and parents from across the[...]

My Secret Tip for Writing an Unforgettable College Essay

"This college essay writing thing is hard," said every high school student in America. 

Yes, it[...]

Advice for the Class of 2024 from Parents of the Class of 2023

Today we are closing our Application Nation - Class of 2023 group and moving our members to our[...]