Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  


When Is the Best Time to Submit Your College Applications?

As I write this blog, I am reminded of how I tend to work. My nickname should be "Last Minute." My[...]

The One Piece of Your Application You Didn't Know Mattered So Much

Very few students and parents know about it, but it is one of the most contextualizing pieces of an[...]

Politics, Admissions, and Waiting for Change

Two nights ago, I started watching the presidential debate with my daughter begging to stay up a[...]

5 Dos and Don'ts for College Applications This Year

If you are utterly confused about what students should and shouldn't be doing when it comes to this[...]

Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (9.17.20)

For this month's rapid-fire Facebook Live Q&A, questions came in from students and parents all over[...]