Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  BECOME A MEMBER

Navigating Food Allergies and the College Admissions Process

I am not alone. I am one of the millions of Americans living with a food allergy. It affects[...]

Never Underestimate the Importance of Supplemental Essays

This week I will be giving a special hour-long lesson to my Application Nation - Class of 2020[...]

Why Admissions Officers Are Impressed When Students Have Jobs

A few weeks ago, I recruited some high school students for my latest photo shoot. They attend the[...]

Facebook Live Recap: College Admissions 101

Each year, I host a Facebook Live Q&A on college admissions 101 for new viewers and familiar faces[...]

Friendly Reminder: AP Stands for Advanced Placement, Not College Admissions

Over the past several days, students across the country found out their scores from the AP exams[...]