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Everything You Need to Know to Become Pre-Med

The most common aspiration of high-achieving students who have their sights set on elite colleges[...]

How to Write the Best Waitlist Follow-up Letter Ever

Dear Waitlisted Student,

Did you know that if you want to increase your chances of admission, you[...]

Facebook LIVE Recap and Bonus Questions: The May 1st Deadline

In Case You Missed It, Here's A Recap Of My Recent Facebook LIVE Q&A: The May 1st Deadline—Plus[...]

The Real Reasons Why Colleges Waitlist Students

Waitlists. Waitlists. Waitlists. I'm getting tons of questions from students and parents this week[...]

Facebook Live Recap and Bonus Questions: Ask America's College Counselor (3.19.17)

In case you missed it, here's a recap of my recent Facebook Live Rapid-Fire Q&A!

I love answering[...]