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The Road to College Admissions: Striking a Balance

Life is all about balance. Or at least that’s what they say. Striking the perfect balance is seemingly impossible, but this year, I’ve been forced to take my best shot at it.

In all my other years of high school, I’ve been involved in clubs and sports outside of school, as well as trying to be social with my friends. However, senior year brings on a whole new set of responsibilities.

As a wise superhero once put it, “With great power comes great responsibility.” This could not ring more true this year. Besides the obvious college applications, senior year has brought increased participation in clubs and sports (captains, officers, etc.) as well as a year full of lasts. Lasts that I don’t want to miss.

If you’ve ever seen me at a school event, you know that I am a very spirited person. I get very into school spirit week, pep rallies, football games, etc. Homecoming week is my favorite week of the school year because of all the traditions and history that my school has. Seniors decorate their cars for the first day of school and eat in the courtyard, among nature and free of freshmen. Seniors dress up in insane homemade Halloween costumes and run through the halls of the school each October 31st. Seniors write and lead chants on the whiteboard at football games and lead the whole school to cheer our football team on to victory.

While every school may have its different privileges for seniors, one thing’s for sure: senior year is it. You go all out one last time before the Friday night lights finally come to a close and high school is over.

With me wanting to give my all in everything I do, it’s sometimes a nightly struggle to figure out what takes precedence. Sometimes it’s choosing between sleep or putting the finishing touches on my Halloween costume. Or deciding whether to catch up on research or go to watch the state meet. It can be both physically and mentally exhausting to balance wanting to do well in your classes and outside activities, while still ensuring that you are using your last chance to show your school spirit the best way you can.

In the end, I think of what I want to remember. School is always my number one priority, but I like to think of it this way: in five years, will I remember how tired I was that one Friday morning, or will I remember the excitement later that night when the football team won?

Life is going so slow, yet so fast. Early Action decisions can’t get here fast enough, but I want to cherish every moment I have left in high school. Senior year will be one for the books.