Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!  JOIN ME LIVE

The Most Common Admissions Decision Colleges Make This Time of Year

In the coming weeks, most colleges with Early Decision and Early Action programs will release[...]

Lessons Learned from the 2021-2022 College Admissions Cycle

I get asked a lot about trends and what I'm seeing firsthand among my Application Nation community.[...]

Make Sure You Do This to Finish the College Admission Process

We are down to the wire. May 1st, National College Decision Day, is only days away.

While most[...]

Having a Hard Time Making a College Decision? Do This!

I remember scanning the names of students who were planning to attend the night before. I would[...]

5 Predictions for This Year's Regular Decision Round

March surely goes in like a lion when it comes to college admissions. The last round of decisions[...]

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