Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  BECOME A MEMBER

How Coronavirus Could Impact College Admissions

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is wreaking havoc on everyone and every industry. The timing couldn't[...]

Waiting for Regular Decision Results? Here's a 5-Step Plan

March is my craziest month. Not only does our family celebrate my youngest child, middle child, and[...]

The Beginning of the End of the ACT and SAT

They are more than just tests for the college admissions process. For decades, colleges have used[...]

Parents and Students, I Have One Piece of Advice For You

Moms, dads, and high school seniors, I'm going to ask you to do something harder than almost[...]

Despite the ADA, Mental Health Discrimination Remains Rampant in College Admissions

Last week my husband and I were invited to a small neighborhood gathering hosted by our community's[...]

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