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Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (4.30.20)

For this month's rapid-fire Facebook Live Q&A, questions came in from students and parents all over[...]

Special Edition Facebook Live Recap: June SAT Cancellation & COVID-19

After the College Board announced that the June SAT and Subject Tests are cancelled, parents' and[...]

The Class of 2021 Will Make History with a New College Admissions Process Due to COVID-19

Every single day another college announces changes to its admissions process for the Class of 2021.[...]

When It Comes to Choosing a College There Are No Bad Decisions

On Monday, my love of 26 years (married for almost 21) headed into the hospital for seven straight[...]

Hey Admissions Deans, Now Is the Time to Put Students First

Dear Admissions Deans and College Presidents,

I hope you and your families are healthy and well[...]