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Rap Video Gone Viral—What One Student’s Risky Move Teaches Us About College Admissions

I'm not going to lie. I have watched Ethan Kim's rap video to Harvard dozens of times. I have read[...]

Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (2.17.20)

For this month's rapid-fire Facebook Live Q&A, questions came in from students and parents of all[...]

Why You Shouldn't Worry About "Peaking" in High School

I turned 45 this week. It has made me reflect on who I am and how far I have come.

Never in my[...]

What Admissions Officers Think of Where You Come From

This past weekend, my husband and I attended a wedding of a former student of mine in New York[...]

Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (1.15.20)

I got a ton of great questions from parents and students for my first rapid-fire Facebook Live Q&A[...]