Application Nation - Class of 2026 is launching in January! Join the waitlist now to get 20% off your first month.  JOIN THE WAITLIST

What Parents Can and Can't Do for College Admissions

Fellow parents, we are often described as helicopter parents. We are known to hover, protect[...]

10 Essential Facts About Early Decision 2

What if you had one more opportunity to increase your chances of admission? Would you take[...]

Facebook Live Recap: Freshmen, Sophomores, & Juniors

This is the time of year that college admissions questions start coming fast and furious for[...]

5 Reasons You Need to Have a Back-Up Plan

I am a big fan of having a back-up plan. For a high school senior, your back-up plan should involve[...]

Parents and Students, I Have One Piece of Advice For You

Moms, dads, and high school seniors, I'm going to ask you to do something harder than almost[...]