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The Road to College Admissions: How My Summer Experience Changed My Life

Last spring, as talk of summer plans infiltrated nearly every high school conversation, my friends[...]

Facebook Live Recap and Bonus Questions: Ask America's College Counselor (2.19.17)

In case you missed it, here's a recap of my recent Facebook Live Rapid-Fire Q&A!

Whether you're a[...]

The Love Letter To The College That Deferred You

It’s been a month since you found out that you were deferred. The shock has worn off and you might[...]

How Students Can Make the Most of MLK Day and Presidents' Day

Most schools around the country will be closed for Martin Luther King Day on January 16th and for[...]

College Applications: Why You Need to Stay Motivated Over the Holidays

This time of year is especially tough for high school seniors who are beginning to reach a breaking[...]