Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  BECOME A MEMBER

10 Things High School Juniors Should Be Considering Right Now

While seniors are anxiously awaiting results on their Early Decision and Early Action applications,[...]

The Road to College Admissions: Help! I Forgot My Calculator for the ACT

On the second Saturday in September, I rose at dawn, ate a quick breakfast, and set off to take the[...]

The Road to College Admissions: The Importance of Campus Visits

It’s safe to say I’ve visited a lot of colleges. I’ve sat through dozens of information sessions[...]

The Road to College Admissions: Follow My Journey Step by Step

John Fulton is a high school senior applying to college. He is the oldest of two boys living in[...]

7 Important Things to Do Before the School Year Ends

The school year is coming to a close and summer is just weeks away.

Before students empty out their[...]