Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!  JOIN ME LIVE

The Early Decision/Early Action Checklist

November 1st is just days away and most selective colleges have either an Early Decision or Early[...]

The One Thing That Increases a Student's College Acceptance Is Weeks Away

Well-informed students from all over the country have known for years the best way to increase[...]

The Road to College Admissions: The Importance of Campus Visits

It’s safe to say I’ve visited a lot of colleges. I’ve sat through dozens of information sessions[...]

What You Need to Know If You Are Applying Test Optional

There are now hundreds of colleges that offer a test optional policy. This waives the testing[...]

How to Fill Out the Extracurricular Activities Section of the Application Like a Pro

The extracurricular activities section on a college application is a lot like a resume. If you[...]