Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  BECOME A MEMBER

Do Colleges Really Know Where Else You Applied?

Do you ever wonder if colleges know what other schools you applied to? You're not alone. Rest[...]

Focus Your College Essay on the "Ism" of Your Life

Before I moved to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, I don’t recall ever hearing the term “farmette.”[...]

Why focus on "Why?" for better college essays

After reading hundreds of thousands of essays over the years as an admissions officer, dean of[...]

What Every Parent Needs to Know About the College Application Process

As parents, we’re constantly and fiercely dedicated to making sure our kids are on the right path[...]

The Special Message of the SCOTUS Decision for College Applicants

Mark this date in American history: June 26, 2015 was the day that SCOTUS endorsed the freedom to[...]

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