Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!  JOIN ME LIVE

Is the College Interview Becoming Extinct?

Back in 1993, it was the one thing that "saved" me. My test scores were low. I knew that if I could[...]

5 Things I Had My Daughter Do Before Her First College Interview

Tomorrow is my rising high school senior's first college interview. Sophie is super outgoing and[...]

The Most Common Admissions Question I Get Asked This Time of Year

"My child submitted their early application well before the deadline, yet we heard that some of[...]

Yikes...My College Interview Is Tomorrow!

You read the email. See the date. Time. Location. Panic sets in. 

Welcome to the unpredictable[...]

Admissions Officer Visiting Your School? Here's What to Know

One of the oldest and most traditional ways of "recruiting" students to apply to college has[...]

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