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5 Tips for the 2020-21 Common App

It's been a few days since Common App launched their 2020-2021 platform and I am taking in the[...]

Dear Colleges, Here's What the Class of 2021 is Up Against

A few days ago as many families with high school seniors tried desperately to sign up for a fall[...]

Are College Athletics in Trouble?

Several weeks ago, Brown University announced that it was dropping 11 of its varsity sports[...]

A Plea For Colleges to Announce Supplemental Essay Prompts Now

I am knee-deep in editing main college essays for my Application Nation - Class of 2021 students[...]

10 Things for Underclassmen to Consider This Summer and Fall

I can't believe it's happening. I've got a rising high school freshman in my house. And, she's[...]

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