Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!  JOIN ME LIVE

5 Predictions (and 3 Pieces of Advice) for the 2022-2023 Admissions Cycle

It's that time of year. Everyone around me is partaking in pumpkin picking, Halloween festivities,[...]

If Your Early Action Program Has Restrictions, Read the Fine Print!

A few weeks ago I wrote about the popular Non-Restrictive Early Action programs that a lot of[...]

Are Early Action Programs As Good As They Appear?

A few months ago, the University of Southern California announced that it would be adding an Early[...]

My Predictions and Advice for This Year's College Admissions Cycle

The New Year is a month away, but I'm making some predictions for 2022. Given early indicators, it[...]

5 Ethical Questions That Students Must Get Right

My dad used to tease me growing up. He called me the "Church Lady," a reference to the recurring[...]

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