Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  BECOME A MEMBER

It's Not Just What Activities You Do for College Applications, It's How You Describe Them

If you follow my Instagram Story, you know that I post a schedule every day. You get a glimpse of[...]

Why Admissions Officers Are Impressed When Students Have Jobs

A few weeks ago, I recruited some high school students for my latest photo shoot. They attend the[...]

Facebook Live Recap: Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are a good way to give admissions officers a glimpse of who you are as a[...]

The Real Truth About Community Service

A few years ago, "Turning the Tide" was published by a professor at Harvard's Graduate School of[...]

The Foolproof Way to Order Extracurricular Activities on Your College Application

In one of my Facebook Live sessions, I got asked by multiple students and parents how to order[...]

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