Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  BECOME A MEMBER

If Something Is Missing in Your College Applications, Do This Over the Summer

As the school year comes to a close, many rising seniors take stock and evaluate what they're doing[...]

5 Ways to Take Your Extracurriculars to a Whole New Level

I often get approached by parents asking me what I think about a student participating in a very[...]

Doing Well in School Is Sometimes Not Enough

One of my favorite students this year found out she was denied by one of her top choices yesterday.[...]

How Extracurricular Activities Keep Kids out of Trouble and Get Into College

We’ve all been there as parents: Being in the stands while our kids participate in an array of[...]

5 Things That Every Student Should Know About College Admissions

Recently the 10th grade class parents at the school where I work approached me about leading a[...]
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