Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  BECOME A MEMBER

Have You Heard of the Mid-Year Report? Here's What to Know

I still remember the satisfaction that I would get as an admissions officer when I opened up a[...]

What Admissions Officers Think of Students Who Take a Study Hall

Gasp...a study hall! In this era of overscheduled, overworked, and overwhelmed high school[...]

Why You Should Follow My 5-4 Plan for Course Selection

It's not even February and most high school students are in the throes of picking their classes for[...]

Is the AP Capstone Program Worth It?

Recently, I had a proud mom moment. I answered a call from my oldest child, who is away at college,[...]

Facebook Live Recap: Classes & Curriculum

Not only do your grades matter to colleges, so do the classes you take. Knowing that, choosing a[...]

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