Application Nation - Class of 2026 is launching in January! Join the waitlist now to get 20% off your first month.  JOIN THE WAITLIST

Facebook LIVE Recap and Bonus Questions: How to Make Your Summer Count For Your College Applications

In case you missed it, here's a recap of my recent Facebook LIVE Q&A: How to Make Your Summer Count[...]

Make This Summer Meaningful with These Helpful Suggestions

Summer is just around the corner and high school students are busy trying to find a meaningful[...]

The smart way to double up on academic courses

Doubling up sounds like a wrestling maneuver. But in my line of work doubling up refers to when a[...]

5 Things That Every Student Should Know About College Admissions

Recently the 10th grade class parents at the school where I work approached me about leading a[...]

What makes you the perfect college applicant?

Recently at work, I have been inundated with questions surrounding standardized tests:

"Do I need[...]

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