Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!  JOIN ME LIVE

Should You Address Your Religion in Your College Application?

I should be visiting my parents today. Not only is it my dad's birthday, but it is Rosh Hashanah,[...]

5 Ways to Make Your Counselor Letter of Recommendation Even Better

Let's face it, the college admissions process is full of inequities. We often focus on the[...]

5 Ways to Take Your College Essay to the Next Level

I have the great pleasure of working on a team devoted to helping students and their families[...]

5 Overused College Essay Topics to Avoid

Essay season is my favorite part of the application cycle.

Fortunately for me, it is the one that[...]

4 Insider Secrets to Help You Prep for the New SAT

The first U.S. administration of the digital SAT was newsworthy, but not for the reasons anyone[...]

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