Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered! 


Words of Wisdom for Waiting Seniors

Seniors, parents of seniors, and college counselors, I know you are on pins and needles. Many[...]

When to Update Colleges After Your Applications Are In

Bravo to the high school seniors who submitted Early Decision, Early Action, and Rolling Admissions[...]

When Is the Best Time to Submit Your College Applications?

As I write this blog, I am reminded of how I tend to work. My nickname should be "Last Minute." My[...]

Waiting for Regular Decision Results? Here's a 5-Step Plan

March is my craziest month. Not only does our family celebrate my youngest child, middle child, and[...]

5 Reasons You Need to Have a Back-Up Plan

I am a big fan of having a back-up plan. For a high school senior, your back-up plan should involve[...]

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