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How to Handle a Medical Issue in Your College Application

Torn ACL. Lyme disease. Depression. Crohn's. Scoliosis. Cancer.

Over the years, I have read[...]

Is the College Interview Becoming Extinct?

Back in 1993, it was the one thing that "saved" me. My test scores were low. I knew that if I could[...]

3 Things Seniors Can Do to Jumpstart College Admissions Right Now

Not every student I work with is extremely excited about applying to college. Some students just[...]

The Top 10 Mistakes I'm Seeing on College Applications

Every year leading up to admissions deadlines, you can find me hunkered down in my office doing[...]

Should You Address Your Religion in Your College Application?

I should be visiting my parents today. Not only is it my dad's birthday, but it is Rosh Hashanah,[...]

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