Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!  JOIN ME LIVE

The SAT Is Going Digital. What This Means for Students.

The College Board announced this week that it is finally moving into the digital age! Hallelujah![...]

What Your PSAT Score Means for College Admissions

My oldest called, texted, and FaceTimed me non-stop on Tuesday morning until I finally was able to[...]

3 Questions on Submitting Test Scores That I Get Asked Daily

To report or not report? That is the question! And there are multiple interpretations as well.


10 Things for Seniors to Do Before the Summer Ends

I can't believe it's mid-August and there's so much I still want to do before summer is over. I've[...]

My Summer Checklist for Rising Seniors

Every year when July 4th fades in the distance, I feel like summer is just slipping away. There is[...]

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