Facebook Live Q&A 3/31 at 9:30 pm ET • Your college admissions questions—answered!  JOIN ME LIVE

Why Admissions Officers Are Impressed When Students Have Jobs

A few weeks ago, I recruited some high school students for my latest photo shoot. They attend the[...]

Facebook Live Recap: Planning for Summer

Prepping for college admissions doesn't stop once the summer hits. In fact, there's no time like[...]

Inside My Late Summer Playbook: What Seniors Should Be Doing Right Now

We always take vacation at the end of the summer after swim season ends and my kids are just about[...]

To Report or Not to Report? The Strategy Behind Listing Your Summer Activities

Students and parents ask me all the time to weigh in on summer opportunities. They ask me, "Is it[...]

Facebook Live Recap and Bonus Questions: How Students Can Make the Most of Summer Vacation

Summer is a time for fun, but it's also the ideal time for working on your college admissions[...]

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