Application Nation - Class of 2026 is now open!  BECOME A MEMBER

3 Things for the Class of 2026 to Consider When Building a College List

Just this week, we analyzed data for our Application Nation families on the latest update from[...]

The Top 5 Trends Impacting the Class of 2026

I can always tell when families of high school juniors start to feel the pressure of the admissions[...]

When Will Admissions Decisions Be Released? Your Guess Is as Good as Mine

Many colleges are releasing Early Action and Early Decision results. It can be a guessing game in[...]

My End-of-the-Year Wish List for Seniors

This week, my three kids sent me their wish list for the holidays. Unprompted, of course. Sophie,[...]

How to Handle a Medical Issue in Your College Application

Torn ACL. Lyme disease. Depression. Crohn's. Scoliosis. Cancer.

Over the years, I have read[...]
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