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Too Many Cooks? How to Choose Your College Admissions Advice Wisely

I admit it. In the last few years as I have expanded my business, I have very little time to cook.[...]

Facebook Live Recap: Ask America's College Counselor (10.23.24)

For my October Facebook Live Q&A, I answered questions from high school students and parents from[...]

3 Things Seniors Can Do to Jumpstart College Admissions Right Now

Not every student I work with is extremely excited about applying to college. Some students just[...]

What You Need to Know About Doing Research in High School

I didn't even know what "research" entailed in high school. In fact, it wasn't until college that I[...]

3 Things I'm Making Sure My Son Does as a High School Freshman

My son, Max, is going to be a high school freshman this year. We are only weeks away from the start[...]

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